
This section is an archive of our documents that relate to the Planning process and Art Programme.

It is divided into sections to help to navigate through the development process, beginning with the outline planning application and the subsequent reserved matters applications. Information about the Art Programme is at the bottom of the page.

The Planning Application - an introduction

In August 2012, the local planning authorities involved resolved to grant outline planning permission to the University of Cambridge for the whole development, which was formalised with the signing of the section 106 agreement in February 2013.

The permission is for the University’s proposals to create a vibrant new community of housing, employment and local services. This will help meet the University’s future research and accommodation needs and enhance the local area. The permission will enable the University to plan for its accommodation and research needs over the next 20 years and maintain its world class status.

In preparing the plans the University has consulted widely with its local communities and key stakeholders. This has helped to ensure that the final proposals are for a development which meets the University’s requirements, enhances the local area with high quality facilities and addresses the wide range of issues raised by local people.

The University has been granted outline permission for 1,500 homes for its key workers, accommodation for 2,000 postgraduate students, 1,500 homes for sale, 100,000 square metres of research facilities and a local centre with a primary school, community centre, health centre, supermarket, hotel and shops. Over one third of the 150 hectare site will become public open space, accessible to everyone.

The permission has established the principle of the University’s proposals. The full planning application for the outline scheme is available in this section as well as the Reserved Matters Applications for Phase One and beyond.

Outline Planning Application

Full submission

The full planning application documents were submitted to the local planning authorities, Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council, in September 2011 with clarifications and supplementary information submitted in March 2012. The documents are available below.

1: Covering Letter
Letter for Original Application – September 2011
Letter for Additional Information – March 2012
2: Planning Application Forms
Form A
Form B – Part 1

Form B – Part 2

Form B – Part 3
3: Description of Development and Application Drawings
4: Planning Statement
5: Statement of Community Involvement
6: Design Access Landscape Statement
Design: Version A – Part 1

Design: Version A – Part 2

Design: Version A – Part 3

Design: Version A – Part 4

Design: Version B – Part 1

Design: Version B – Part 2

Design: Version B – Part 3

7: Environmental Statement
Volume i: Main Report
Volume ii: Figures
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Volume iii: Appendices
Volume iv: Non-Technical Summary
8: Transport Assessment
Assessment and Figures
Non-technical Summary
9: Framework Travel Plan
10: Key Worker Housing Statement
11: Retail Impact Assessment
12: Hotel Needs Assessment
13: Faith Residential Needs Assessment
14: Senior Care Needs Statement
15: Health Impact Assessment
16: Sustainability Statement
17: Carbon Reduction Strategy
18: Site Waste Management Plan
19: Sustainable Resource and Waste Management Strategy
20: Public Art Strategy
21: National Planning Policy Framework

The local planning authorities undertook their public consultation on the University’s proposals to help inform their decision making between 27 September to 04 November 2011.

Section 73

This section contains documents that have been submitted to the local planning authorities in Sept 2013. The application relates to a limited number of discrete changes to the plans approved in Feb 2013. The area of the site affected by these proposals is in the Local Centre of the development. The changes allow for the University to respond to a mix of uses in the Local Centre and sustainability objectives, as well as a more comprehensive programme of activities in the Community Centre. The overall principles and objectives of the original permission remain unchanged, there are no proposed changes to the overall number of units or floorspace, and no difference in effect on the surrounding areas has been identified through technical studies. The Section 73 was approved by the JDCC on 20 November 2013. The full Section 73 planning application is available from the local authorities’ websites Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council – search with the respective references 13/1402/S73 and S/2036/13/VC.

Cover letter
Planning Application Forms
Form A 
Form B 
Development of Development and Application Plans 
Open Land and Landscape Areas Parameter Plan: Zone B, dated September 2013
Land Use (Built Development and Ancillary Space), dated September 2013
Building Zones Parameter Plan: Zone B, dated September 2013
Building Heights Parameter Plan: Zone B, dated September 2013
Topography Parameter Plan: Zone B, dated September 2013
Design statement
Environmental Information Report 
LVIA figures 
Figure 1.1 
Figure 1.2
Figure 1.3
Figure 1.4
Figure 2.1-2.13
Figure 2.14-2.26
Figure 3 

Reserved Matters Applications


The University was granted outline planning permission for the masterplan for the 150 hectare site in Feb 2013. Following on from this a series of Reserved Matters Applications with detail of the designs will be submitted to the local planning authorities. The plan and chart indicate further details of the location and progress of these applications.

Phase One

Full details of the applications will be available from the local authorities’ websites Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council. To locate the details key in the relevant reference that corresponds to the particular Lot or area.

Lot 1 This lot includes 117 key‐worker units, the foodstore, energy centre, health centre, police touchdown and Busgate Street. Wilkinson Eyre, Mole Architects, Townshend. Approved 26 February 2014, CCC ref: 13/1748/REM

Lot 2 This lot includes 264 key‐worker units, the market square, local shops, café and Busgate Street South. Stanton Williams, Townshend. Approved 21 January 2015, CCC ref: 14/1722/REM

Lot 3 This lot includes 232 key‐worker units that will be submitted in two phases and the residential squares. Mecanoo. Approved 19 March 2014, CCC Ref: 13/1827/REM

Lot 4 This lot includes approximately 21 key‐worker units and 49 market units, secondary street network, the Ridgeway (permanent and temporary) and the Green Corridor (temporary). Cottrell and Vermeulen, Sarah Wigglesworth Architects, The AOC, Aecom. Approved 20 June 2014, CCC Ref: 14/1028/REM, SCDC Ref: S/1447/14/RM

Lot 5 This lot includes approximately 325 post‐graduate student bed‐spaces, the Ridgeway (permanent) and the Green Corridor. RH Partnership, Aecom. Approved 18 December 2013, CCC Ref: 13/1400/REM, SCDC Ref: S/2044/13/RM

Lot 6 This lot includes the Primary School. Marks Barfield. Approved 16 July 2014, CCC Ref:14/0626/REM

Lot 7 This lot includes the Community Centre and Nursery. MUMA. Approved 19 March 2014, CCC Ref: 13/1828/REM

Lot 8 This lot includes approximately 73 key‐worker units. Maccreanor Lavington Architects and Witherford Watson Mann. Approved 16 April 2014, CCC Ref: 14/0109/REM

HE Huntingdon Road East Junction (Condition 46). Aecom, URS and Peter Brett Associates. S/1886/11 – view document from 27 Feb 2014

ME Madingley Road West Junction (Condition 48) Aecom, URS and Peter Brett Associates. Approved 20 Nov 2013, CCC Ref: 11/1114/OUT, SCDC Ref: S/1866/13/DC

EM Madingley Road Junction Embankments (full application). Aecom, URS and Peter Brett Associates. Approved 20 Nov 2013, CCC Ref: 13/1258/FUL

PS Primary Street, Ridge & Furrow, Green Corridor and underground infrastructure for Phase 1. Aecom and URS. Approved 18 December 2013, CCC Ref: 13/1401/REM, SCDC S/2037/13/RM

PR Section of Primary Street Swale and Hardstanding for the Pedestrian Footpath. Aecom. Approved 9 June 2014, CCC ref: 14/0719/FUL

WE Western Edge. Aecom. Approved 26 February 2014, CCC ref: 13/1740/REM, SCDC ref: S/2533/13/RM

SF Storey’s Field (including cricket pitches). Aecom. Approved 20 August 2014, CCC ref: 14/0864/REM

GH This application includes the Project Office, Temporary Community Facility and Artist Studios. Freeland Rees Roberts Architects. Approved 22 Feb 2013, CCC Ref: 12/1640/FUL

AC This application includes details of the Construction Access Road for the development site. Approved 17 Apr 2013, CCC Ref: 13/0279/FUL

EA This application includes details of the Phase One Earthworks. URS. Approved 17 July 2013, CCC Ref: 13/0537/REM, SCDC Ref: S/0857/RM

S1 This lot includes approximately 80 market units and the Tertiary street network

S2 This lot includes approximately 75 market units and the Tertiary street network

M1 This lot will include approximately 125 market units and the Tertiary street network. Submitted 28 August 2015, CCC Ref  15/1663/REM, SCDC Ref:S/2219/15/RM

M2 This lot will include approximately 125 market units and the Tertiary street network. Submitted 28 August 2015, CCC Ref  15/1663/REM, SCDC Ref:S/2219/15/RM

North West Cambridge Development – Artists-in-Residence as part of the Public Art programme

Habitation: A Site for Artistic Research

Established in 2013 before people lived at Eddington, the residency programme was the backbone of the Art Programme for North West Cambridge Development. Artists are appointed to work in collaboration with different University of Cambridge departments relevant to each phase of the development. This provided a rich opportunity for artists to collaborate with world-class academic departments. Another important aspect of the artists’ brief was that they were invited to respond and engage with the North West Cambridge Development site, its existing and future communities. They were provided accommodation and studios directly on site, and supported to produce public outcomes for their work.

The Contemporary Art Society curate the artists in residence programme and artists are selected annually by the North West Cambridge Development Public Art Panel.

Past outcomes from the residency programme have included public film screenings, seminars, discussions, workshops, participatory projects and exhibitions.

Below is a summary of the artists-in-residence who worked as part of the project.

Hannah Richards: May 2013-April 2014

Karen Guthrie and Nina Pope: May 2013-April 2014

Tanya Kovats: May 2013-April 2014

Aid & Abet: April 2014-March 2015

Bedwyr Williams: April 2014-March 2015

Fernando García-Dory: April 2014-March 2015

Joshua Portway and Lise Autogena: May 2015-April 2016

Ruth Ewan: May 2016-April 2019

Melanie Manchot: July 2016-June 2017

The residency programme was just one strand of the Public Art programme – for more information about permanent commissions and work across Eddington read more here.

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