Suitable for football, cricket, and other field sports, pitches are open for community use at competitive prices.

Booking sports at Eddington

How to make a booking

If you wish to request a booking please complete the Booking Form below and email it to

Your request will then be reviewed by a member of the team, who will be in touch to let you know whether your request has been approved.

If your request is approved, you will then receive the full booking pack, including the Terms and Conditions, Code of Conduct and a blank risk assessment form, which have been supplied below. You will also be required to make full payment via BACS transfer or cash payment within 10 working days.

Once the appropriate booking documents have been returned and full payment made, the team will contact you to confirm your booking.

Terms and Conditions

Code of Conduct

Risk Assessment

Price schedule

All prices are for a four hour slot, unless stated otherwise, and include VAT at 20%. All initial bookings must include one pavilion.

You can book facilities for a morning slot (8.30am-12.30pm) or an afternoon slot (1.30pm-5.30pm).

Community rate: For local groups at Eddington and neighbouring wards in the city.

City Groups/ Organisations: For established groups and teams outside of Eddington and neighbouring wards, including local towns and villages.

Commercial: Use by the University of Cambridge, Anglia Ruskin University, businesses and other commercial entities.

The below rates are based on the classification of the group using the facilities, not the individual making the booking.


Full size pitch, including Sports Pavilion

Community Groups: £35
City Groups/Organisations: £58
Commercial: £80

Full size pitch

Community Groups: £30
City Groups/Organisations: £45
Commercial: £50

9×9 pitch, including Sports Pavilion

Community Groups: £30
City Groups/Organisations: £45
Commercial: £75

9×9 pitch

Community Groups: £25
City Groups/Organisations: £35
Commercial: £45

Mini pitch (single), including Sports Pavilion

Community Groups: £25
City Groups/Organisations: £32
Commercial: £70

Mini pitch (both), including Sports Pavilion

Community Groups: £45
City Groups/Organisations: £57
Commercial: £110

Mini pitch (single)

Community Groups: £20
City Groups/Organisations: £25
Commercial: £40

Trim Trail and surrounding grounds (sessions of up to 1.5 hours)

Community Groups: £10
City Groups/Organisations: £10
Commercial: £10

Cricket pitch, including Cricket Pavilion

Community Groups: £35
City Groups/Organisations: £58
Commercial: £80

Sports Pavilion

Community Groups: £35
City Groups/Organisations: £50
Commercial: £70

Cricket Pavilion

Community Groups: £35
City Groups/Organisations: £50
Commercial: £70

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