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Category: Development
8 June 2018
Trio of Planning Awards Won
The University of Cambridge was recognised three times at the 2018 Planning Awards for the North West Cambridge Development. The project won the awards for Planning for Affordable Housing, Planning for the Natural Environment, as well as the Editor’s Choice Award as the best overall scheme from the range of categories. The judges felt that the Development “sets the aspirational standard for all large-scale developments.”
The editor of Planning magazine, Richard Garlick, said: “North West Cambridge shows exemplary attention to the needs of the existing community around the site, delivering a new primary school among other social infrastructure ahead of the construction of new homes.
“All our judges were impressed by how it had been designed to minimise impact on the natural environment and how it promises to deliver half of its planned housing as affordable homes, let to key workers at a third of their ncome.”
Eddington sits at the heart of the North West Cambridge Development. The first phase of the development comprises 700 homes for key University staff, Swirles Court – a post-graduate student complex for 325 students, and facilities to support the local community, including the Storey’s Field Centre, University of Cambridge Primary School, Sainsbury’s supermarket, parklands, play areas and sports fields, as well as infrastructure to support connectivity for the development.
Heather Topel, Project Director of the North West Cambridge Development, said: “We are thrilled by the recognition from the Planning awards. The two categories of affordable housing and the natural environment demonstrate our commitment to delivering a new district in Cambridge for the benefit of both the University and the City.
“To also take the Editor’s Choice Award for the evening, especially given the strong competition from the range of winners and shortlisted schemes at this year’s Awards is also an achievement of which the team and the wider community will be proud.”
Affordable Housing
The University of Cambridge has completed 80% of the first phase of its 700 key worker homes at Eddington, which are now being let to University and College staff on affordable rents. Homes have been designed by a range of architects who have delivered a new part of the City and meet high levels of sustainability with a number of features which help residents to lead more sustainable lives.
Natural Environment
Around Eddington are a number of strategic open spaces, including a new parkland (currently 26.7 hectares), as well as the centrally located Storey’s Field (currently 2,4 hectares). The variety of open spaces includes formal gardens and courtyards for private amenity as well as sports pitches and play areas. The development also includes measures to enhance biodiversity including over 250 bird nests and over 50 bat roosting sites.
The awards, organised by Planning magazine and PlacemakingResource, span 11 categories in planning and 14 in placemaking, plus an overall editor’s award. Winners were chosen by an expert panel of 25 senior figures from across the sector.