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Category: Development
6 September 2023
New Head of Development appointed for North West Cambridge
Property professional, Matt Johnson has been appointed as Head of Development for North West Cambridge for the University of Cambridge. The Chartered Surveyor and Cambridge alumnus will be responsible for the financial and strategic success of the development, focussing on the remainder of Phase One at Eddington and the delivery of future phases.
Matt brings a wealth of experience from his time at Grosvenor, managing a range of developments in London including residential and neighbourhood schemes, as well as commercial and leisure projects. He has proven to be an asset to the team since taking on the interim role in December 2022 and offers leadership and vision that will help continue to grow the development in the long term.
The first phase of the North West Cambridge development is Eddington: a growing neighbourhood and vibrant community that has been designed as an urban extension to the City of Cambridge. Eddington includes new homes for University and College staff and for the wider Cambridge population, new community, learning and retail facilities, open green space as well as infrastructure that supports connectivity to a range of local destinations. The current and future phases of development will continue the focus of providing much-needed housing in the City. Eddington contributes to securing the long-term success of the University by providing homes for its staff and students, to maintain its status as a leading academic and research institution on a global stage.
Reporting to Katherine Rodgers, Director of Property Development, and accountable to the University of Cambridge’s Property Board, Matt will work with a multi-disciplinary consultant team alongside professionals from the University’s Estates Division in providing oversight for the remaining of Phase One and delivery of future phases of development.